Woke up this morning to sustained winds in the upper 30s. Saw 48 knots at one point. Thats 55 miles per hour peeps! Force 10 on the old Beaufort Scale. Its literally blowing the coconuts out of the trees. We are fine hunkered down here but I am certainly concerned for anyone out there on anchor. There must be boats dragging all over the Caribbean today. Seas are getting to about 10 foot.
But tragedy did strike. It with with a heavy heart that I inform that one of my flip flops made a break for it last night. Blew off the dock and is probably 100 miles from here by now. Sunning itself on a beach in the Dominican Republic. Big old grin on its little flip flop face. Made it to freedom. I walked with a boat hook for hours around the marina hoping to find it afloat somewhere. Tears welling up. Going to put up some posters but I really think its over. That was a really good flip flop, too. It will be missed.
Poor quality pix but you get the idea. Crap load of wind! Didn't catch the 48 knot show on film but we have been in the 30-40 range all day. The rigging is a howlin!!
Other that that not much going on. So lets talk about one of my favorites..... Food.
Puerto Ricans really like their food and they are very good at it. Actually I don't remember a meal here that was not at least good if not excellent.
This is Ceviche. Raw fish and veggies cooked by the citric acid of lemons and limes. Delish! Order this at Fat Rosies (RIP) and you would get about 1/2 cup of it. This must have been over a pound of fish. Pretty cheap, too. Just a few bucks. |
This is a local specialty I have never seen anywhere but Puerto Rico. Mufungo. Cook up some plantain or yucca, mash it up, add lard and spices and deep fry it. Did that make your arteries winch. It should. Its that good. Makes a nice bowl for any and all kinds of different fillers. Every place does it a bit differently. Its very good, and only about 13,000 calories per serving. If you eat to much if it you get Mufungo Butt. And then you go to Walmart. Its like a convention there. |
But remember. Your on Island Time Mon. The place where we had those two aforementioned dishes was kind enough to provide some rest areas where you can nap while waiting for your lunch. And then catch a second nap while your waiting for your check. But what else does an old retired fart have to do with his day anyway. Little slice of windy paradise! |
And for my buddy Bob. Met a local named Richard who sailed tornados in the 1979 olympics representing PR. If we ever got you two hooked up..... oh boy. Does he have some stories.
All for today. Going out to see what has blow off the boat now.
Hey, it's not too bad up here. Been windy like usual, but going to be 78 degrees on Wed. Grass is greening and I just tuned the mower. Going to the track next week for inspection, but rather be down there with you guys. Yokosawa